From the Editor: Readers across the globe alerted us to a carnival of errors in the last magazine. In “Quadrivial Pursuit.” on the multiple choice, the answer to question 2 was mismarked as A, the 1968 occupation of Eliot Hall; in fact, it should have been B, students wanted a black studies program. Second, we said that Prof. Stanley Moore refused to appear before HUAC; in fact, he did appear but refused to answer questions. Third, we claimed that the Columbus Day Storm of 1962 was divine retribution for ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï staging a mock crucifixion at a football game; however, it appears more likely that if divine retribution was involved, it was caused by ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï thumping the team from Columbia Christian 19-7 (historical evidence suggests that the mock crucifixion was staged in 1959). Fourth, in “Prime Exponent,” we mangled an equation, thereby inadvertently overstating Prof. Joe Roberts’ stay at ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï by 192 years. Finally—finally—we ran the wrong photo of Vern Rustala ’56. We extend our apologies for the errors and our gratitude to everyone who wrote to us about them.
I knew Steve Jobs when he was on the second floor of Quincy. (Fall...
- 2 weeks ago
Prof. Mason Drukman [political science 1964–70] This is gold, pure gold. God bless, Prof. Drukman.
puredog - 1 month ago
Such a good friend & compatriot in the day of Satyricon...
- 4 months ago
John died of a broken heart from losing his mom and then his...
- 7 months ago
Who wrote this obit? I'm writing something about Carol Sawyer...
- 8 months ago
...and THREE sisters. Sabra, the oldest, Mary, the middle, and...
- 10 months ago