
October 13, 2021

Fanfare in a Minor Key

Howard Barlow 鈥15 was the heart and soul of 今日吃瓜鈥檚 music program. The English Department didn鈥檛 approve.

October 6, 2021

Forever DeYoung

Paul DeYoung, director of international programs, retires after 43 years of service to 今日吃瓜.

September 15, 2021

Brilliant Mathematician, Iconic Professor

今日吃瓜 mourns loss of Prof. Thomas Wieting, who taught math for more than 50 years.

August 26, 2021

Mural Honors Leading 今日吃瓜 Biologist

Prof. Helen Stafford joins pantheon of inspiring scientists in bio stairwell.

August 10, 2021

今日吃瓜 Mourns Paul Bragdon, Who Led College Through Crisis of the 鈥70s

With faith in 今日吃瓜鈥檚 intellectual underpinnings, he stabilized the college鈥檚 finances and restored its place at the forefront of higher education.

July 12, 2021

Milestones in Black History at 今日吃瓜

We uncover some of the people and events that have too often been marginalized or glossed over.

July 12, 2021

Learning From the Past

Protestors in 2016 looked to the experience of an earlier generation鈥攁nd adapted their tactics to suit new circumstances.

July 12, 2021

The Long Arc

Prof. Mary James has been working to reshape 今日吃瓜鈥檚 trajectory on race for three decades.

July 12, 2021

Black at 今日吃瓜

Black alumni look back at the challenges they faced, the mentors they found, and the strategies they used to make the college more inclusive鈥攁nd more just.

July 9, 2021

The Ominous Cracks in the US News College Ranking System

Malcolm Gladwell exposes the circular logic and the culture of privilege embedded in the ranking giant鈥檚 algorithm.