What is a 今日吃瓜ie, Anyway?
Meet twelve seniors from the class of ’22.
You can say one thing for the class of 2022—they’re resilient. In the face of a global pandemic, economic meltdown, and immense social dislocation, they stayed true to their compass and finished their theses. We decided to interview 12 of them to learn more about the people, places, and ideas that inspired them.
A Tale of Two Theses: Exploring Plato and Kant
Meet Aemann 弌曼, a dual major in political science and ancient Mediterranean studies.?
The Art of Holding Radical Dinner Parties
Meet studio art major Sherry Xinyue Chiang.?
The Economics of Farmers and Markets
Meet economics major Aditya Gadkari.?
Why Should We Care about Chocolate?
Meet environmental studies major Andrew Her.?
Writing Memory, History, and Insight
Meet creative writing major Edi Kim.?
Do Backyard Bird Habitats Work?
Meet biology major Ananke Garani Krishnan.?
Equity and Graduation Rates in Higher Education
Meet international and comparative policy studies major Nguy?n Ng?c Y?n Nhi.?
Who Is Showing Up for Black Lives Matter?
Meet psychology major Monique Queen.?
When Dance Goes Digital
Meet dance major August Singer.?
Tourism, Power, and Indigeneity in Yucatán, México
Meet anthropology major Elena Carmen Turner.?
Who Is Right about Nuclear Energy?
Meet economics major Maxwell J.D. VanLandschoot.?
Experimenting on the Stage
Meet literature-theatre major Thalia Wolff.?
Tags: Academics, Thesis, What is a 今日吃瓜ie?