As a capstone project, every graduate of 今日吃瓜 completes a thesis in their senior year. Here seniors can find instructions and resources for completing a mathematical thesis. Anyone can also find a list of thesis projects from Math & Stats from the last couple of decades. Jump to past thesis projects.
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Past Thesis Projects
Marlo Albers (Mathematics)
The h-Vector Conjecture for Matroids with Cycle Systems
Apollo Albright (Mathematics-Physics)
Transmission of an Electron through a Saddle Potential
Kush Arya (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Verifying Arithmetic Incompleteness
He Bai (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Extending Targeted Function Balancing to Models without Linear Representations
Conor Bekaert (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Towards a Weighted Joint Statistical Model for Rankings and Ratings
Lena Bloom (Mathematics)
Maximum Overdrive: a Frequency Response Analysis of Distortion Due to Clipping
Mollie Boor (Mathematics)
Towards Constructing the Affine Partition Algebra
Kenai Burton-Heckman (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
tfb: a Package for Targeted Function Balancing
David Carlip (Mathematics)
Some Approaches to Hilbert-Kunz Multiplicity
Adam Cohen (Mathematics-Physics)
Calculus on Twisty Stuff: The Local Index Theory of Dirac Operators
Asa Ferguson (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Comparing Classic Parametric and Novel Machine-Learning Techniques to Analyze Survival Data: an Application to Historical Population-Based HIV Surveys in Sub-Saharan Africa
Quinn Hargrove (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Visualizations to Improve Ranked Data Analyses, with Applications to Board Game Data
April Kopec (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Scaling Explainable Artificial Intelligence Filtering and Approximations for Influence Functions for Large Language Models
Astrid Lilly (Mathematics)
An Invitation to Tate's Thesis
Xinran Liu (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Classical Simulation for Quantum Random Circuit Sampling in the Regime of Anti-concentration
Yancheng Liu (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Suboptimal Multi-Heuristic Approaches for Solving the Rubik’s Cube Incorporating Deep Learning and Group Theory
Ethan MacBrough (Mathematics)
Sparse Theorems are Full of Triangles
Solis McClain (Mathematics)
Matroids and Their Cycle Systems: The h-Vector Conjecture for a New Class of Matroids
Ethan McDonald (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Exploring Memory Tiering Policies for Composable Memory Systems
Olly Milshtein (Mathematics)
The Cobordism Hypothesis and Topological Quantum Field Theories
Tina Qin (Mathematics)
Autoregressive Time Series Modeling: A Comparative Analysis of Parameter Estimation and State Prediction Methods
Calliope Reimann (Mathematics)
Extending Galois Connections between Posets to their Representations
Olive Ross (Mathematics-Physics)
An Examination of Hinterleitner Doubly Special Relativity
Riley Shahar (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Categories for Cryptographic Composability
Ava Sorgman (Mathematics)
A Spectral Graph Theoretic Analysis of the Sign Flipping Sequence
Peihua Su (Mathematics-Physics)
Benjamin-Ono Periodic Traveling Waves: Pole Dynamics and Dispersion Relations
Thomas Ulmer (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Symbolic Analysis on C Binaries
Yuheng Wen (Computer Science-Mathematics)
An Efficient Privacy-Preserving Satellites Collision Detection Method: Applying Private Set Intersection Using Garbled Circuit
Valerie Wu (Mathematics-Physics)
The Tenfold Way and Beyond: Classification of Topological Insulators and Superconductors
Louise Xu (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Privacy Paradox: Regularized Neural Networks and Distributional Differential Privacy
Guangyi Zhang (Mathematics-Physics)
A Geodesic Journey into the Wormholes
Zach Barbanell (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Optimizing Gadgets for Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Scott Blair (Mathematics)
A Taste of Differential Field Theory
Wolfgang Brightenburg (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
On Estimating the Number of Clusters: Mind the Gap!
Kellen Brosnahan (Mathematics)
Representation Theory, Schur-Weyl Duality, and the Partition Algebra
Jesse Cao (Mathematics-Physics)
Classical Jackiw-Teitelboim Gravity: Towards Quantization
Victor Chen (Mathematics)
The Impact of Schools on Traffic Congestion: A Case Study in California K-12 Public Schools
Malen Cuteric (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
MAUPing Up: An Empirical Analysis of Error Rates in Dasymetric Mapping
Zack Dooley (Mathematics)
A Survey of Categorification: Towards Categorical Algebra and Higher Categories
Jacob Finkelstein (Mathematics)
An Accessible Proof of the Prime Number Theorem
Ilana Frey-Kim (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Simplicial Homology Computation Using Discrete Morse Theory
Roscoe Haynie (Computer Science-Mathematics)
A Zero-Knowledge Proof for Norinori
Bhavjot Khurana (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Supervised Machine Learning to Predict Student Proficiency in Oregon Public Schools
Hannah Kuder (Mathematics-Physics)
The Beesis
Anna Luce (Mathematics)
The CW Decomposition of the Grassmannian Manifold
Oliver Mansbach (Mathematics)
Persisting Through The Convexity: Convex Modules for the Commutative
Olivia McGough (Mathematics)
Persistent Homology and Applications to Graph Data
Keith Ng (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Building To The Third Story: An AI To Play Santorini
Sean O'Donnell (Mathematics)
Primes in Extensions and Expressions via Binary Quadratic Forms
Blaze Okonogi-Neth (Mathematics)
An Introduction to Elliptic Curves, Modular Forms, and the Modularity Theorem
Rayn Samson (Mathematics-Physics)
Relativistic Ehrenfest Relations for Klein-Gordon Fields
Sol Skinner (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Making Sense of Making Sense of Sensitivity
Monroe Stephenson (Mathematics)
Kazhdan-Lusztig Polynomials of Matroids
Josh Yamamoto (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
A Bayesian Approach to Zero-Inflation Modeling
Larry Zeng (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Exploring Noninterference in Programming Languages: A Study of Simple Dependency Core Calculus and Logical Relations
Daniel Zou (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Differentially Private Weighted Linear Regression
Emmanuel Arthur (Computer Science-Mathematics)
The Stable Roommates Problem With Globally-Ranked Pairs
Alice Barker (Mathematics)
Representations of sl2(C) and Connection to Temperley-Lieb Diagrams
Cruz Barnum (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Indistinguishability Obfuscation From the Ground Up
Erik Beserra (Mathematics)
Khovanov Homology: Putting Pants on Knots
Ian Cates-Doglio (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Snow Avalanche Predictions by Ensemble Modeling
Harry Chen (Mathematics)
Metric Balls and Infinitely Degenerate Elliptic PDEs
Peter Chen (Mathematics)
Mask, Vaccine and Covid
Tyler Dunaisky (Mathematics)
Dynamics of Quadratic Rational Maps with Maximal Automorphism Group
Rylie Foster (Computer Science-Mathematics)
An Introduction to Data-Driven Modal Analysis
Catherine Gong (Mathematics)
Group Actions in Music Theory
Evan Griggs (Mathematics)
Cyclic Cones & Non-singular Refinements of Cyclic Fans
Alex Hsu (Mathematics)
A Gentle Introduction to Homotopy Type Theory
Thomas Kelleher (Mathematics)
An Operad-Theoretic Exploration of the Coherence Theorem for Monoidal Categories
Josh Klein Valente (Computer Science-Mathematics)
An Introduction to Elliptic Curves and Applications in Cryptography
Tunç Başar Köse (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Approximate Message Passing for Principal Component Analysis: Theory and Practice
Jay Kruer (Computer Science-Mathematics)
The Way of Glue: An Invitation to the Categorical Semantics of Lambda Calculi
Sarah Kumar (Mathematics)
Understanding Lie Algebras : An Alternate Perspective on Weyl's Theorem
Harpeth Lee (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
A Comparison of Data-Driven Partial Least Squares to Existing Partial Least Squares Models
Henry Lindeman (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Normal Attention : A Novel Self-Attention Linearization Strategy for Abstractive Summarization of Long Documents
Daniel McFadden (Mathematics-Physics)
Star Formation Quenching in Centaurus A
Paul Nguyen (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Inference for Random Forests
Jasmine Peng (Mathematics-Economics)
Foreign Direct Investment and Earnings in China
Elizabeth Prestegaard (Mathematics)
The Lattice of Alexandrov Topologies
Evan Pugh (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Analyzing the Impact of Vaccinations, Government Policy and Other Factors on the COVID-19 Pandemic
Holden Saberhagen (Mathematics-Physics)
Modeling the Integer Quantum Hall Effect
Daksh Shami (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Exploration of the Hidden Subgroup Problem
Jakob Shimer (Computer Science-Mathematics)
CNF Reduction in Weighted Model Counting
Sharon Wang (Mathematics)
Kasteleyn's Tiling Theorem Using Complex Weights
George Zhao (Mathematics)
A Construction of the Derived Category and Derived Functors
Shisham Adhikari (Mathematics-Economics)
Inequality in Ramsey Growth Model with Heterogeneous Rates of Return: Are rich getting higher returns on investment than poor?
Francis Baer (Mathematics)
Adams Spectral Sequence Computations of BP<1> cooperations at Odd Primes
Ryen Burris (Mathematics-Physics)
Modelling Vibration of Membranes Under Non-Uniform Tension
Reilly Cannon (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Differential Privacy: the Gap Statistic and the Mapper Algorithm
Nicholas Cecil (Mathematics)
Nets, Filters, and Convergence
Simon Couch (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Tidy Model Stacking with R
Luke Doms (Mathematics)
A Geometric Interpretation of the Coefficients of the Standard Simplex's Ehrhart Polynomial
Evan Franchere (Mathematics)
Trust the Cones: Computing Diagonal Cartier Algebras of Affine Toric Varieties
Zhengyao Gu (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Selective Prediction: Training and Evaluation Methods
Usman Hafeez (Mathematics)
A^1 Milnor Numbers
Brenham Hooper (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Classifying Types of Young Stars Using Supervised Machine Learning
Albert Ji (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Universal Approximation and Interpolation in Neural Networks
Théo Lavier (Mathematics-Physics)
A First Look at Rate Induced Tipping
Jiarong Li (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Complex Network Comparison using Graphlets
Jonathan Li (Mathematics-Economics)
Simulating Repeated Coalition Formation under Uncertainty
Yilin Li (Computer Science-Mathematics)
What If English Had No Spaces? Investigating the Challenges of NLP for Character-Based Languages
Sarah Maebius (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Statistical Learning Methods for Tree Classification using Remote Sensing Imagery
Peter Marcus (Mathematics)
Computing the Henselization of a Valued Field
Kiki McBride (Mathematics)
Klein Has Me in Stitches! (An Exploration of Mathematical Constructions of the Klein Quartic and Creation of Analogous Crochet Models)
Alan Moore (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Inference on Latent Structure Random Graphs: Context, Theory and Applications
Weihang Qin (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Raymarching Hyperbolic Geometry
Bijay Rai (Mathematics-Economics)
On Track: Access to Improved Road Network and Poverty Alleviation in Mid and Far Western Nepal
William Ren (Mathematics-Economics)
Casino Revenue and Life Quality in Macau
Cleo Schaumann (Mathematics)
Young Tableaux, Schur Polynomials, and Crystals
Taylor Sedoo (Mathematics)
Exposing Chaos: Attracting Differences
Hrishee Shastri (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Cutting the Chord: Interleaved and Demand Aware Skip Graphs
Timothy Shinners (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Modelling Mount Rainier’s Volcanic Event Sequence
Aryeh Stahl (Computer Science-Mathematics)
A Generalized Approach to Graph De-anonymization
Ali Taqi (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Spectral Statistics of Random Matrices
Ian Wahbe (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Improvements to the Heuristic Rural Postman Problem
Daniel Wang (Mathematics)
Diagrammatic Algebras to Describe the Endomorphism Algebra of $\mathfrak{gl}_n$-Modules
Riley Waugh (Mathematics)
Regularity Theory of Degenerate Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
Grayson White (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach to Small Area Estimation of Forest Attributes
Olek Wojcik (Mathematics-Economics)
Higher Education Responses to COVID-19
Lucas Yong (Computer Science-Mathematics)
An Exploration of Topological Quantum Computation
Kayleigh Bangs (Mathematics-Philosophy)
This Thesis is Indeducible: Approaches for Justifying the Consistency of Peano Arithmetic After Gödel
Henry Blanchette (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Purity and effect
Naomi Boss (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Hindsight is 2020: Evaluating a Presidential Election Forecasting Model During a Global Pandemic
Maxine Calle (Mathematics)
Morse theory and flow categories
Nick Chaiyachakorn (Mathematics)
THREE EASY PIECES IN HARMONIC ANALYSIS Singular integrals, the Hardy space H1, and boundedness results
Lixuan Chen (Mathematics-Economics)
Is education finally paying-off in urban China? : evidence from 1989-2015
William Daniel (Mathematics-Economics)
Machine learning application in credit card fraud
Wenxin Du (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
A close look at specification curve analysis and existing applications
Canyon Foot (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Graphical approaches to recovering distributions under selection bias and missing data
Iris Griffith (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Do androids dream of electric trees? : classifying and predicting forest attributes using deep neural network models
Collin Guo (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Linearizing quadratic stochastic processes for metagame mixing time analysis
Kaitlyn Hepp (Mathematics)
Rowmotion on Doppelgänger Pairs
Robert Irvin (Mathematics-Economics)
Simulating the price of anarchy in auctions
Claire Jellison (Mathematics-Economics)
Giving by the numbers : a study of peer effects with online crowdfunding
Zekican Kazan (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
The longest increasing subsequence as a test statistic
Young Kim (Mathematics)
Resolutions of Rees algebras
Ryan Kobler (Mathematics-Economics)
Spatial effects and environmental hedonic valuation in Portland, Oregon
Mason Koch (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Reinforcement learning for Pokemon AI
Noah Koster (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Neuronal Dynamics of the Action Potential: Spiking Behavior in the FitzHugh-Nagumo Model and others
Ryan Neumann (Computer Science-Mathematics)
An exploration of reinforcement learning through video games
Shulav Neupane (Mathematics-Economics)
Citation and collaboration behavior at the university level in agricultural sciences
Jiajing Peng (Mathematics-Economics)
Nonprofits as infrastructure for regional economic resilience : evidence from US metropolitan area during the great recession
Huaying Qiu (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Forest type classification in interior Alaska using G-LiHT data
Kaiyan Shi (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Investigation on 1D area law and XXZ model
David Tamas-Parris (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Elliptic Curves Aren't Secure? SIKE!
Lucas Williams (Mathematics)
How to do proof by picture and get away with it :the representation theory of quantum groups and connections to knot theory
Livia Xu (Mathematics)
Toppling ideals of M-matrices
Matthew Yancheff (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Statistical Inference on Brownian Motion with Drift
Anton Zavorotny (Mathematics)
Vassiliev knot invariants and the graph bialgebra of lando
Aiman Absar (Mathematics-Economics)
Revealing Anomalies in Behavior of Rational Agents: Applying Game Theory to Behavioral Economics
Sean Allen (Mathematics-Physics)
Reservoir Computing: Observing the Baker's Map
Edwin Alvarado (Mathematics-Economics)
Impact of Fast Fashion on Welfare in Developing Countries
Edsel Arce (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Klaytheism, Competition, Free Throws
Matthew Atteberry (Computer Science)
Reinforcement Learning: An Overview
Miles Baker (Computer Science)
Don't Point Yourself Into a Corner: Using Static Analysis to Prevent Memory Leaks in C
Kyu Cho (Mathematics)
Integer programming methods and the fleet assignment problem
J.R. Cruise (Mathematics-Physics)
An Exploration in Perturbation: Asymptotic Ailments to Quantum Consternation
Zichen Cui
An Introduction to Topological Complexity
Theodore Dounias (Political Science-Mathematics)
Turnout and Mail Voting in Colorado or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Voter Registration Files
Tanmay Dubey (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Latent Dirichlet Allocation: an Application to Computer Systems Conference Papers
Ira Globus-Harris (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Differentially Private One-Way Analysis of Variance
Ethan Gordon (Mathematics-Economics)
Tragedy of the Common (Application)s: A Mechanism-Design Approach to College Admissions in the United States
Dylan Huff (Computer Science)
PowerPoint Natively on the Web, a Java PPTX Extension
Emmett Kahn (Computer Science)
DNA Compression Using Machine Learning
Michael Kalange (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Embed With the Entropy: Applying Word2Vec to Lossless Text Compression
Rhody Kaner (Computer Science)
Gender Representation in Computer Science
Jay Lee (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
From Interpolation to Imputation: Ballot Completion in a Ranked Choice Election
Alexander Lloyd-Damnjanovic (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Kronecker Sequences and Persistent Homology
Nathaniel McFadden (Mathematics-Physics)
Exact Solutions of Spin Chains
Joseph Meyer (Mathematics)
Generating free verse poetry with transformer networks
Alexander Moore (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Mean Estimation via Neural Network Methods in Complex Survey Imputation
Ananthan Nambiar (Computer Science)
Computing the Language of Life
Nicole Niesen
Quadratic and Biquadratic Reciprocity
Caroline Padula
Surprising Facts About the Thue-Morse Sequence
Asher Payton (Mathematics-Physics)
A simple bound state
Richard Pham (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Graph reconfiguration in the context of permutation routing
Pallavi Prakash
Rational Periodic Points of Quadratic Maps: An Exploration Through Rational Parameterizations of the Dynatomic Polynomials
Jeremy Rachels (Mathematics)
Moduli spaces of polarized abelian varieties and the paramodular group
Angelica Richardson (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Composing Cellular Automata for Modeling n-Component Reaction Diffusion Systems
Miranda Rintoul (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Multinomial Logistic Regression for Natural Language Processing
Alec Stashevsky (Mathematics-Economics)
Domestic Remittance in China: Rural - Urban Migration's Train of Inequality
Marika Swanberg (Computer Science-Mathematics)
Noisy Quantum Oracles: A Study of Algorithmic Robustness
Lana Tollas (Mathematics-Economics)
Airport Capacity and Airline Delays: A Quantitative Analysis
Torin Woods-Eliot
The Type A Cluster Algebra and Catalan Combinatorics
Hayden Veytia (Mathematics)
An encyclopedia of infinitely nested square roots
Yifan Wu (Mathematics-Economics)
Can I Remain a Unicorn: An Analysis of the IPO Decision in Tech Industry
Tristan Wylde-Larue
On the Quantum Base Size of a Group
Caroline Yearwood
The Dual Steenrod Algebra and Graph Theory
Jialun Zhao (Mathematics-Physics)
The AdS3
Ziyuan Zhong (Mathematics with a concentration in Computer Science)
Combined Program, Columbia University
Yevgeniya Zhukova
Cobordism Hypothesis: Macaroni as Mathematics
Jalan Ziyad (Computer Science-Physics)
Quantum Search in the Face of Decoherence: Insights From Histories Approach
Nathan Duncan
Heart of Zero-Knowledge
Jean Munyo Frey-Edwards
M-matrices and Chip-Firing
Joshua Gancher
Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Gregory Alex Ledger
Implementing Component-Based Garbled Circuits
Simran Mahtani
Network Analysis with Focus on Centrality
Emma Miller
A Quantum Walk on the Heisenberg Group
Alexandra Salem
Explanation and Simulation of the HHL Algorithm
Riley Thornton
Some Problems are Hard: Borel Complexity and C*-algebras
Reilly Villanueva
Analyzing Radiocarbon Data with Temporal Order Constraints
Qiaoyu Yang
Split Reactive Brownian Dynamics
Barney Potter (Mathematics-Biology)
Modeling Cell Signaling Networks with Prize-Collecting Subhypernetworks
Sarah Brauner (Mathematics-Economics)
A New Order of Things: The Structure of Partial Orders in the Face of Lower Bounds
Alexis Saul Chasin (Mathematics-Economics)
Auctions Speak Louder than Words: Application of Alternate Auction Criteria to Dynamic Tax Investment
Julia Welling Hofmann (Mathematics-Economics)
H2 Uh-Oh: A game-theoretic analysis of water quality trading
Taylor Holdaway (Mathematics-Economics)
The Effects of Drought on Non-Agricultural Output in the United States
Vladislav Mankov (Mathematics-Economics)
Distributional Implications of a Vehicle Miles Traveled Tax
Ahyan Panjwani (Mathematics-Economics)
Estimating the Impact of Commodity Market Shocks on Real Business Cycles Using Bayesian Methods
Dean K. Young (Mathematics-Economics)
Myopic Loss Aversion in Investment Behavior
Timoteo Delgado-Esbenshade (Mathematics-Physics)
Bound Orbits in Classical Electrodynamics
William Holdhusen (Mathematics-Physics)
First Quantization of the Radiation Reaction Force
Joseph Joe (Mathematics-Physics)
256 Shades of Grey: Topological Analysis of the Gray-Scott Model Using Persistence Landscapes
Charles McIntyre (Mathematics-Physics)
Computing the Band Structure of InSb and CdTe Quantum Dots
Jeremy Cosel (Mathematics with a concentration in Computer Science)
Clean Up After Yourself: Implementing Garbage Collection
Joshua Hepworth (Mathematics with a concentration in Computer Science)
The States of Splendor: Searching Game Trees with Partial Information
Isabella Jorissen (Mathematics with a concentration in Computer Science)
Tiling the Heavens In special cases where 'the Heavens' is ℝ2
Liam Bowcock (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Aggregating Over Ordinal Scales Using the Sugeno Integral
Will Jones (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
Multilevel Models and Missing Data Models for Crowdsourced Bicycle Route Ratings
Philip Stallworth (Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics)
A Cluster Model for K-Tree Samplings of a Spatial Point Process
Andrew Blount
Sequential Model-Based Optimization of Expensive Blackbox Functions –or- How to Do Well When You Don’t Know What You’re Doing
Madeline Brandt
Intersecting Hypergraphs and Decompositions of Complete Uniform Hypergraphs
Amah Orphelia Ellogne (Mathematics-Economics)
The effect of rainfall shocks on intimate partner violence against women
Susannah Glickman
The Character of an Optimal Query: An examination of queries in the dihedral hidden subgroup Problem
Galen Harrison
Differentially Private Statistics: Implementation and performance of PTR and objective perturbation methods.
Justin Katz
Eigenfunction decompositions of function spaces on various physical domains
Damon Melton
Jordan Canonical Forms of Commuting Nilpotent Matrices
Jacob Menick
The Discrete Wavelet Transform and Applications to Data Compression
Carl Proepper (Mathematics-Physics)
Generalized Statistical Techniques for Differentiating Dark Matter Models at the Large Hadron Collider
Robert Rennie
Toward a Minimal Finite for the Real Projective Plane
Zachary Stout
Lobachevsky, Poincaré, and Hyperbolic Geometry
Brett T. Beutell
To Bayes or not to Bayes : Markov chain Monte Carlo for approximation of the posterior distribution of Bayesian networks
Max L. Carpenter
Quasicrystalline combs in De Bruijn's generalized function space
Max F. Del Giudice
A simple case of the Siegel-Weil formula
Emma J. Furth
Hamiltonian cycle algorithms for square and triangular grid graphs
Jedediah B. Grabman
Two player zero-sum games
Blake David Hall
Classifying the hundred acre wood
Tessa Hoppenfeld
The structure of the Jacobian group of a graph
Austin W. Humphrey
Volume of SLn(Z)\SLn(R)
Mason Kennedy
Representation theory and the spherical Laplacian
Thomas J. LaMarre
Massively parallel computation with graphics processing units
Laura Lyman
Principal series of GL(2) over a finite field
Galen O'Sullivan
Counting on simplicial complexes
Yotam Reshef
Formalization and mathematical rigour
Andrew J. Roetker
The state of process calculi and concurrency
Elijah Van Wing
Present value under non-constant models of interest
Christopher Vittal
Non-unique factorization in rings of integer-valued polynomials
Mark Walth
Manifolds and maps : an introduction to cobordism
Andrew Warren
Nonstandard analysis is sometimes useful : several applications
Sofia D. Wright
Generating the superstable configurations of a graph via its acyclic orientations
Wyatt K. Alt
Enumeration of domino tilings on the projective grid graph
Jess Delaney
Markov chain monte carlo and the black-scholes formula
Michael J. George-Hallgren
Toward a category-theoretic construction of the adeles
Alden Jones
Time-varying risk premia and the euro : a state-space model
Michael Scott Kincaid
Is the euro optimal? : an examination of trade and cycles in Europe
Jacob S. Kopczynski
Pushy computing : complexity theory and the game abalone
Atsuya Kumano
Seeking unpredictability in deterministic systems : definitions of chaos in topological dynamics
Mikhail Lepilov
Quantum state discrimination of symmetric mixed states
Luis Edmund Maldonado
Generalizing the curry-howard isomorphism to classical logic
Andrew P. Malkin
A combinatorial game theoretic analysis of the impartial game of dots and boxes
Alex Perusse
The applications of the theory of representations in the natural sciences
Clara M. Redwood
Curving paper : a folding algorithm for origami ellipsoid patterns using curved crease couplets
Marcus P. Robinson
Critical groups of simplicial complexes
Darko Trifunovski
Computing the extreme core of siegel modular forms
Austin D. Young
The finite sums theorem : a topological approach
Skye Aaron
Exact solutions and L² differentiability
Gabriel Barello
Quantum field theory and general relativistic scattering from a massive central body
Michael Bedford
Set theory, the continuum hypothesis, and the axiom of choice
Matthew M. Carlson
Euclidian embedding of network location data : design and use
Ethan K Edwards
A (slightly) more general quantum algorithm for the multiplication of group elements
Nadir Hajouji
The semihull theorem for Siegel modular forms
Jay Harman
Two algorithms and a miracle
Samuel F. Hopkins
The quantum hidden subgroup problem for semidirect products of cyclic groups
Seth Just
Functions on the line
Ivan A. Malison
Graph algorithms on graphical processing units : the shortest path problem
Sara Natale
The multiple spherical pendulum
Noah C. C. Pfister
Vermont rainfall data and extreme value statistics
Justin T. Stewart
Randomness as fairness
Ryan Wall
A safari through algebraic geometry
Louis E. Webb
Poincaré's theorem and tessellations of the hyperbolic plane
Gavin Bell
Associated Primes Of A Modified Mayr-Meyer Ideal With N=1
Daniel R. Copeland
Quantum State Discrimination And Concept Learning
Reneé G. Dosick
Infinite Tessellations : A Proof And Applications Of The Extension Theorem
Laura Florescu
New Connections Between The Abelian Sandpile Model And Domino Tilings
Michael Samuel Gottesman
A Category Theoretic Introduction To Differential Geometry
Sei Mei Aastra Howe
A Derivation Of The Inhomogeneous Lorentz Group From Invariant Null Intervals
Robert J. Kahn
War, oil, and railroads : industrialization and the building blocks of city growth in the former U.S.S.R.
David Krueger
Extending The Critical Group To Oriented Matroids And Simplicial Complexes
Isaac Lawrence
Techniques For Space-Efficient Text-Indexing
Daniel C. Lidral-Porter
On Parallel Sorting And An Implementation Of Difference Cover Suffix Array Construction
Sarah MacQueen
Origami : A Mathematical System Of Paperfolding
David Lynn Nielsen
A Problem Zarankiewicz
Julia Porcino
An Analysis Of Permanental Ideals Over Hypermatrices
Siddharth S. Raval
Quantum Algorithms For A Few Problems
Nicholas K. Salter
A Fourier-Analytic Approach To Polytope Euler-Maclaurin Summation
Trey Sands
On simulating a new Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model : replicating smets and wouters
Caleb Tillman
An Application Of Representation Theory To The Study Of Random Walks On Groups
Gaurav Gokaran Venkataraman
Volterra Integral Equation Methods For Theoretical Neuroscience
Wally Jay Wissner
Characterizing doubly-special relativistic models with energy- independent metrics
Tianyuan Xu
Graph Partitions And Free Resolutions Of Toppling Ideals
Noah Davidson
Raphael Deem
Algebraic Error Correction
Hannah Fouasnon
A Colorful Clustering : A Structural Analysis Of Hartigan's Modal Method For Block Clustering
Laurel E. Stephenson Haskins
Perturbation theory for projected states
Nicholas Insalata
Tian Jiang
Stability In Chip-Firing Games
Russell Alex Mayhew
Found on road dead : a macroeconomic study of the efficacy of vehicle scrappage subsidies and sales incentives
M. Rose Peterman
Swaroop Poudel
Financial systemic risk : classification and measurement
Erica Hilary Shannon
The Connection Between Dimer Covers And Sandpile Groups
Homer Strong
Justin J. Sumner
Functional determinants in the path integral formalism
R. Seth Terashima
Bryson Leigh Uhrig-Fox
One system does not fit all : a country-level study of variation in tax systems and the number of the headquarters of multinational corporations
Yannik Van Huele
Laura White-Avian
Falling Out Of Attraction Through An Infinite Cascade Of Period Doubling Bifurcations
John Wilmes
Algebraic Invariants Of Sandpile Graphs
Andrew S Winterman
Godwin Yung
An Algorithm For The Calibration Of FTMS Signals To Improve Peptide Identification
Nii Amartey Amarteifio
The role of foreign direct investment : a sub-Saharan perspective
Nicholas Chandler-Klein
Predictive validity of the new SAT reasoning test
Thomas M. Chartrand
Trajectories in the hydrodynamic formulation of quantum mechanics : a computational and theoretical investigation
Regina Collecchia
The Entropy Of Musical Classification
Christopher Cotter
Permanental Ideals
Benjamin Fischer
Funny Ways To Count Dots : Relating The Discrete And Continuous Volumes Of Rational Polyhedra
Cooper Francis
Model-Checking Concurrent Systems
Maxwell Hallock
The Tutte Polynomial And The Critical Configuration Polynomial On Acyclic Digraphs
Joseph A. Hand
Creative destruction in a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium framework : evaluation through calibration and simulation
Bryan Head
Joshua Hoak
Mathematical Games
David Jackson
Production effects of U.S. agricultural program payments : an empirical examination
Mallory J. Keeler
Estimating the effects of the federal estate tax on charitable behavior : evidence since EGTRRA 2001
Upasana Khadka
The effects of relief mechanisms from double taxation on foreign direct investment
Tinashe Mashungu
Structural adjustment and debt
Daniela Morar
Power laws in the stock market
Joshua O'Rourke
Frobenius Numbers Of Consecutive Squares
Jacob Perlman
Sandpiles : A Bridge Between Graphs And Toric Ideals
William Rosenbaum
Analysis On Circles : A Modern View Of Fourier Series
Andrew C. Shapiro
Music industry business models in the digital millenium : an empirical analysis of streaming music and multi-product profits
Clara Siegel
Radiocarbon Dating Of Mount Baker Lahars : Implications For Volcanic Hazard Assessment
Nayram Tay-Agbozo
An Investigation Into Image Segmentation Using Graph Cuts
Cordelia Wylde-LaRue
Trigonometry In The Hyperbolic Plane
Michael C. Allard
Anomalous diffusion, fractional calculus, and random walks
Eric Brattain-Morrin
Entropy, computation, and demons
Devin Chalmers
The computable world
Jeffrey Samuel Sebastian Weinmann Cruse
Riemann Roch on directed graphs
Jessica Gill
Monomial ideals
Jeremy J. Harper
Projection-valued measures and the need for quantum observables to be self-adjoint
William Henderson
Distributed and mobile systems in the ?-calculus
William R. Henner
Ukkonen's linear time suffix trees
Juliet Hougland
Separability of the Kerr geodesic Hamilton-Jacobi equation
Andreea Jurculet
Fedspeak : the response of interest rates to FOMC communication
Karim Lakhani
An introduction to multiresolution analysis and the discrete wavelet transform
Julia F. Lazenby
Circulant graphs and their spectra
Joshua Michael Lingerfelt
Retail electrical deregulation in Texas
Steven M. McClellan Jr.
A computational investigation of Kubota conductors
Peter McCulloch
The Ito calculus and option pricing
Tracy L. Mehoke
The book of shadows : enumeration of cubick curves
James E. Nye
Braid group cryptography
Sara Caitlin O'Connor
A new derivation for the formulae for counting elliptic points
Rebecca Schoenberg-Jones
Constructing a sandpile machine
Erica C. Strachan
Determinants of microcredit success : a case study of Mercy Corps Northwest
Griffen R. Thoma
A survey of results related to the study of magic squares
Michael T. Turner
Moving ahead, looking behind : social learning in Mexico-U.S. migration
Verónica G. Vergara Larrea
Laplacian growth : how mistaken are we by calling it DLA?
Timothy B. Armstrong
Federal research funding and patenting in U.S. universities
Samuel J. Billheimer
Perihelic motion in orbits about axis-symmetric ellipsoids
Matthew Strom Borman
The ranks of a tropical matrix
Heidi Elise Brooks
Orbit determination of binary stars from radial velocity measurements
Diego I. Calderón
Representation theory of finite groups with applications
Ranganai Gwati
Prediction and parameter estimation in the presence of missing data
Vanessa Elaine Holfeltz
A lie theoretic approach to robot kinematics
An-Seok Joo
Categorical ideas as expressed in the programming language charit
Julia M. Keller
Quantifying entanglement
David Kling
Valuing views form single-family homes in Portland, OR
Anaiah E. Krueger
A brief history of distribution theory
Alice Emily Neels
Quantum learning and 今日吃瓜-Muller codes
Keon H. Parandvash
Arbitrage in Hilbert space