Grayson W. White,Kelly S. McConville, Gretchen G. Moisen, and Tracey S. Frescino (Frontiers in Forests and Global Change).
: Usman Hafeez, Peter Markus, Kyle Ormsby, Angélica Osorno.
: Usman Hafeez, Theo Lavier, Lucas Williams and Lyudmila Korobenko (Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2021 (2021), No. 82, pp. 1-19).
: Gopal Goel, Olivia McGough and David Perkinson (preprint 2021).
: Sarah Brauner, Forrest Glebe and David Perkinson. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2020
: Evan E. Franchere, Kyle Ormsby, Angélica M. Osorno, Weihang Qin, and Riley Waugh (preprint 2021).
: Maxine Calle and Sam Ginnett (preprint 2020).
: Maxine Calle, Sam Ginnett, Harry Chen, and Xinling Chen (Journal of Algebra Volume 560 (2020)).
Kayleigh Bangs, Skye Binegar, Young Kim, Kyle Ormsby, Angélica M. Osorno, David Tamas-Parris, and Livia Xu (Homology, Homotopy, and Applications 23 (2021), no. 1).
: Miranda A. Rintoul, Sarah Maebius, Edwin Alvarado, Alexander Lloyd-Damnjanovic, Mai Toyohara, Kelly S. McConville, Gretchen G. Moisen, Tracey S. Frescino (Proceedings of the 2019 Forest Inventory and Analysis Science Stakeholder Meeting)
: Madelon R. K. Basil, Salma Huque, Kelly S. McConville, Gretchen G. Moisen, and Tracey S. Frescino (Proceedings of the 2019 Forest Inventory and Analysis Science Stakeholder Meeting)
: Jesse Kim and David Perkinson, (Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 29 (2), 2022).
Simon Couch,Zeki Kazan,Kaiyan Shi,and Andrew Bray, and Adam Groce. Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2019.
, Marika Swanberg, Ira Globus-Harris, Iris Griffith, Anna Ritz, Adam Groce and Andrew Bray. Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS) 2019.
,Zachary Campbell, Andrew Bray, Anna Ritz, and Adam Groce. International Conference on Data Intelligence and Security (ICDIS) 2018.
, Adam Groce, Alex Ledger, Alex J. Malozemoff and Arkady Yerukhimovich. Preprint 2016.
, Joshua Gancher, Adam Groce, and Alex Ledger. Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS) 2017
, Chrisopher Keane and Szilárd Szabó, Preprint 2016.
, Ricardo G Rojas-Echenique, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 220 (12), 2016.
, Riley Thornton, Journal of Algebra, Volume 459, 2016.
, Riley Thornton, preprint 2015.
, Laura Florescu, Daniela Morar, David Perkinson, Nick Salter, and Tianyuan Xu. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,Volume 22 (1),2015.
, Marcus Robinson and Irena Swanson. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Volume 275, 2015.
, Mikhail Lepilov, Joshua O'Rourke, and Irena Swanson. Semigroup Forum, Volume 91 (1), 2015.
, Julia Porcino and Irena Swanson. Communications in Algebra, Volume 43, 2015.
, Melody Chan, Darren Glass, Matthew Macauley, David Perkinson, Caryn Werner, and Qiaoyu Yang. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics (SIDMA), 2014.
, David Perkinson, Qiaoyu Yang, and Kaui Yu. Combinatorica, 2015.
Related paper: , by Petar Gaydarov and Sam Hopkins, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2016.
, Madeline Brandt, Preprint 2014.
, Sam Hopkins and David Perkinson. Transactions of the AMS, (368) 2016.
Related paper: , by Mikhail Mazin. Preprint, 2014.
, Jacob Perlman, David Perkinson, and John Wilmes. Tropical and Non-Archimedean Geometry, Contemp. Math., 605, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2013.
, Sam Hopkins and David Perkinson. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 19 (4), 2012.
, David Perkinson, Nick Salter, and Tianyuan Xu. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 18 (1), 2011.
, with Jeffrey Hood, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 381 (2004).