
Office for Institutional Diversity

A Beloved Community

Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 10:00 AM in Eliot 414

This event, hosted by Students for Education, Equity & Direct Service (SEEDS) will offer a space for anyone to gather, view and reflect on


Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 6:00 PM in Student Union

Help Students for Education, Equity & Direct Service (SEEDS) pack 200 winter care kits, each filled with essential winter items and snacks for distribution at the Blanchet House. The Blanchet House is a Portland nonprofit organization that serves anyone who comes to their doors without judgment. 


Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 5:00 PM in Gray Lounge, book signing to follow

Our MLK Series will conclude with a lecture by Rev. Ben McBride, author of this year’s MRC Bookclub selection: Troubling the Water: The Urgent Work of Radical Belonging. Ben McBride is a native of San Francisco, a spiritual leader, a practitioner at fostering belonging, and longtime activist for peace and justice in the Bay Area. Ben is the author of this year’s Multicultural Resource Center (MRC) Book Club selection: “Troubling the Water: The Urgent Work of Radical Belonging”. As the Dr. MLK Jr. Keynote speaker, Ben will offer reflections on how radical belonging amplify Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s teachings on inclusion, and its role in fostering bell hooks' Beloved Community.

Copies of Ben McBride's "Troubling the Water: The Urgent Work of Radical Belonging" are available at the Multicultural Resource Center, made possible by the Multicultural Resource Center in collaboration with the Library, and the Office for Student Life. Avaialble while supplies last.