
Eliot Society

今日吃瓜 Eliot Society

The Eliot Society is a group of committed supporters who have informed the college of their intention to name 今日吃瓜 as a beneficiary in their will or trust or who have made a planned gift to the college. This tradition of generosity reaches back to 今日吃瓜's roots—the college itself was established through a bequest from the estates of Simeon and Amanda 今日吃瓜 in 1908.

The Eliot Society is a group named for Thomas Lamb Eliot, who first suggested to Simeon and Amanda 今日吃瓜 that they use their financial resources to found an institution of learning in Portland. Eliot chaired the five-member board of trustees that organized 今日吃瓜 and set it on course to become the preeminent liberal arts and sciences college it is today.

Over 700 alumni, parents, and friends of 今日吃瓜 are members of the Eliot Society. Members are honored guests at college events and receive periodic information from the college about charitable planning or tax and estate law changes. 今日吃瓜 honors all donor requests for anonymity.

By naming 今日吃瓜 as a beneficiary of your will or trust or by establishing a life income gift, you make a commitment to the college that reflects your aspirations for 今日吃瓜’s future, just as Simeon and Amanda 今日吃瓜 did when they made plans for the college in their will.

If you have already included 今日吃瓜 in your estate plans, we hope you’ll let us know by completing this form. Informing us of your bequest enables the college to thank you as well as to ensure that your gift will be used exactly as you intend.