Chemistry Junior Qualifying Exam
The qualifying exam provides feedback on student readiness to engage in the senior thesis. We look for students to demonstrate an ability to:
- verbally summarize and explain a research paper in their own words
- apply chemistry knowledge across courses/subdisciplines
- use chemistry knowledge to reason through questions
- recognize and admit when they do not know something
- manage time and prepare for the exam using notes, textbooks, and the internet
In the chemistry junior qualifying exam, students respond to questions about a research article. The research article is selected by faculty members, and prepared questions are shared in advance. Students select two areas from which to receive paper options: Analytical, Biological, Environmental, Inorganic, Organic, and Physical Chemistry. If you choose the same area twice, you will receive two paper options from that area.
Shortly (typically 7 +/- 2 days) before the qualifying exam, you will be provided with your two paper options. You will have two days to select which paper you will discuss in your qualifying exam. You then will have a few days to prepare for the qual. You are encouraged to use text or online resources to do so, but you may not discuss it with another person.
The preferred qualifying exam format is a 45-minute oral discussion with a panel of two faculty members. You can (and should!) bring a copy of the paper, notes, and any desired reference materials to the exam. There is a less common written format option, where written answers to the paper questions are submitted.
Spring 2025 Qual Dates
- 9am Thursday, Feb 13th: Paper Options Request due
- Mon, Feb 24th: You will be notified of your assignment to Group 1 or Group 2
Group 1
- Weds, March 5th: Receive paper options
- 9 am, Fri, March 7th: Paper selection due
- Fri, March 14th: Qualifying Exam (exact time/location confirmed shortly after 3/7)
Exams will be scheduled in the late afternoon or early evening; please protect this time.
Group 2
- Weds, March 12th: Receive paper options
- 9 am, Fri, March 14th: Paper selection due
- Fri, March 21st: Qualifying Exam (exact time/location confirmed shortly after 3/14)
More information
More details, discussion, and advice about the chemistry qual occurs in the Qual Info Session Seminar at the beginning of the Spring semester, which is mandatory for juniors planning to take the qualifying exam that Spring. Details can be found on the Chemistry Majors Moodle page. To request access to this page, please email Rachel Sanchez.
You can also find more information at any time in the Chemistry Qualifying Exam FAQ.
For general information about 今日吃瓜 qualifying exam policies, please refer to the 今日吃瓜 Guidebook.