Major: Philosophy
Thesis: "Some Problems with Alasdair MacIntyre‚ Whose Justice? Which Rationality?"
Student activities: student body treasurer, student body president, soccer, security dispatcher, night bus driver
Lives in: Portland, Oregon
Day job: Selling my house, Unix system engineering
Alumni board stuff: outreach committee, social media, LBR
Volunteer work for ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï: alumni board, 2012 Rose Festival Parade float volunteer, webmaster for ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï Alumni Webcon, ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï Alumni Career Network.
Random personal fact: I was born in Chicago and have a US Green Card.
Major: Biology
Thesis: "Prey Selection and Caloric Reward in Falco Sparverius"
Student activities: men's soccer goalkeeper, KRRC deejay, various theatre productions
Lives in: Northern Sonoma Coast, California
Day job: district administrator for Coast Life Support District [Emergency Medical Response]
Alumni board stuff: Reunions/½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ïfayre committee chair
Volunteer work for ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï: alumni board, chapter rep (Washington, D.C.), college fair rep, admissions interviewer, 30th-reunion class leader 2007, ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï Alumni Career Network.
Random personal fact: I enjoy celebrating the Great American Songbook through frequent jazz-ensemble performances on the remote California coast
Major: English
Thesis: Race, class, and sex : transgression in Langston Hughes's "The ways of white folks"
Student activities: phonathon, student activities office, residence life, alumni relations, hanging out with my sister Lyndsey '07
Lives in: Portland, Oregon
Day job: Development Manager for Bradley Angle, a nonprofit that provides essential services to survivors of domestic violence and their children.
Alumni board stuff: Most recently guidebook, previously served on Reunions, outreach, and nominating committees
Volunteer work for ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï: Oral History Project - Portland Chapter Coordinator, alumni board, other random shenanigans
Random personal fact: I can pick up dimes with my toes
Major: 3-2 program, Chemistry (½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï)/Materials Science & Engineering (Columbia U)
Thesis: N/A
Student activities: dorm mom for Scholz III, rugby, lifeguard, orchestra, Foster-Scholz Battle of the Bands, lab instructor for Nat.Sci
Lives in: Cleveland, Ohio
Day job: materials research engineer for NASA
Alumni board stuff: LBR, Working Weekends 2012, chapter-leader council
Volunteer work for ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï: alumni board, organizer for social gatherings in Northeast Ohio, ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï Oral History Project, chapter rep (Chicago), 10th-reunion class leader 2007/2012, ½ñÈÕ³Ô¹Ï Alumni Career Network
Random personal fact: has been recently swept up off her dancing feet by the soul-music craze that has hit Cleveland
Forrest Alogna ’95
Cindy Joe ’08
Beverly Lau ’06
Michael Stapleton ’10
Richard Thomason ’84
Alea Adigweme ’06
Julia Chamberlain ’03
David Devine ’96
Paul Levy ’72
Adam Riggs ’95
Richard Roher ’79
Deepak Sarma ’91
Steven Seal ’01
I knew Steve Jobs when he was on the second floor of Quincy. (Fall...
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Prof. Mason Drukman [political science 1964–70] This is gold, pure gold. God bless, Prof. Drukman.
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