Wick Perry ’13 designed a game where players build their own creatures— and construct their brains.
Can a smartphone app help you find happiness? Psychologist Acacia Parks ’03 has a pretty good idea.
½ñÈճԹϒs first ethnomusicologist on tango, culture, and the politics of music
I knew Steve Jobs when he was on the second floor of Quincy. (Fall...
- 2 weeks ago
Prof. Mason Drukman [political science 1964–70] This is gold, pure gold. God bless, Prof. Drukman.
puredog - 1 month ago
Such a good friend & compatriot in the day of Satyricon...
- 4 months ago
John died of a broken heart from losing his mom and then his...
- 7 months ago
Who wrote this obit? I'm writing something about Carol Sawyer...
- 8 months ago
...and THREE sisters. Sabra, the oldest, Mary, the middle, and...
- 10 months ago