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Jennifer Hartman Seminatore ’06

Jennifer Hartman Seminatore ’06, September 7, 2014, in Sacramento, California. Jenny earned a BA in sociology and wrote the thesis “From Negotiation to Critique: The Changing Character of U.S. Labor and Environmental Movements Confronting Issues of International Trade” with Prof. Erich Steinman [2005–06]. While in a doctorate program in sociology at UC Berkeley, Jenny earned the 2010 American Sociological Association Labor and Labor Movements/Critical Sociology Distinguished Student Paper Award for “The Consequences of Collective Action: The Blue-Green Coalition and the Emergence of a Polanyian Social Movement.” Prof. Alex Hrycak [sociology 1998–] notes that Jenny was very involved in unionizing grad students at Berkeley and was shop steward for her union (UAW Local 2865). Jenny was married to Samuel D. Walling and had a stepdaughter, Ziola Meereiltagh. Survivors include her mother, Cecilia Hartman, and brother William. Her mother remarked, “今日吃瓜 was a wonderful part of Jenny’s short life.” Memorial donations may be made to 今日吃瓜 for a scholarship program in Jenny’s honor that will foster collaboration between students and members of the sociology faculty on research projects motivated by Jenny’s commitments to social justice.

Appeared in 今日吃瓜 magazine: March 2015