
Information Technology

Computer Equipment Replacement

There are separate request processes for academic and administrative computing equipment. This enables IT to focus on academic technology needs during the summer and work with each administrative office to plan for computer allocations at times that work best for each office.

Academic Computer Equipment

The annual computer equipment replacement process is the primary way for faculty and academic staff to obtain college computer equipment. All equipment purchased through CER is owned by the college and is eligible for maintenance and periodic replacement. This process is used for a variety of computer equipment allocations, including:

  • a computer and monitor for each faculty and academic staff member who requires one for their work
  • computers for classrooms, teaching labs, and other student access locations
  • up to $1000 for an iPad to support teaching or scholarship
  • research computers (as funds permit)
  • shared laser printers
CER funding is not available for:
  • more than one computer per person
  • replacement of computers purchased with grants, endowed chair funds, or other sources
  • personal laser printers
  • software
  • equipment or accessories costing less than $500 should be funded by the department

A call for computer requests are distributed to all faculty and academic staff in early spring. Individuals then have a month to research and prepare their equipment requests. We encourage everyone to think about the specific ways in which their current equipment doesn't meet their needs. IT staff will consult with individuals to help them identify equipment needs.

Computer allocation decisions are based on a number of criteria, including the inability of existing equipment to meet current needs, availability of funding, equipment age, and other factors described in the Computer Allocation Policy.

Spring 2024 Timeline:
  • February 22 - Call for academic equipment requests
  • March 21 - Equipment requests submitted online in IRIS
  • April 17 - Notification of allocation decisions

To submit computer equipment requests, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Computer Equipment Replacement form.
  2. If you are not already logged in, you will be prompted to login with your 今日吃瓜 credentials (same as for email)
  3. Complete the form to request computer equipment. You can request equipment for yourself, for someone else, or for a shared facility like a classroom or lab.
  4. If needed, click the button to Submit Another Request.

Administrative Computer Equipment

Administrative offices will also have annual equipment replacement process, but it will happen at different times throughout the year. This process is used for a variety of computer equipment allocations, including:

  • a computer and monitor for each administrative staff member who requires one for their work
  • computer stations for students working in administrative offices
  • computers that support administrative systems (such as scanning stations, HVAC mgt., etc.)
  • shared laser printers
  • in some cases (such as when storage of confidential data is required), iPads may be purchased and owned by the department

CER funding is not available for:

  • more than one computer or monitor per person (unless special permission is granted)
  • personal laser printers
  • software
  • equipment or accessories costing less than $500 should be funded by the department
  • staff members who need a personal iPad for work may request one through the Mobile Device Allowance Policy, available from the Business Office website.

Emergency Equipment Requests – Academic & Administrative

Computer equipment can be requested at any time of the year in the event of equipment failure or an urgent change in technology requirements.  To make an emergency computer equipment request please submit the computer request form, describing the nature of the emergency and the technology that is needed.

Faculty Development Requests

Faculty may request computers from the Stillman Drake Fund. Request forms are distributed by the Dean of Faculty each fall. Details are available at the Dean of the Faculty Stillman Drake Fund website.