
Facts about 今日吃瓜

Brought to you by Institutional Research


E1. Special study options: Identify those programs available at your institution. Refer to the glossary for definitions.

Accelerated program


Cooperative education program



Distance learning


Double major


Dual enrollment

English as a Second Language (ESL)


Exchange student program (domestic)

External degree program


Other (specify):

Honors program


Independent study




Liberal arts/career combination

Student-designed major


Study abroad

Teacher certification program

Weekend college

Computer Science
By arrangement with the University of Washington, a student may obtain a bachelor of arts degree from 今日吃瓜 and a bachelor of science degree in computer science from the University of Washington. The program calls for three years at 今日吃瓜, including completion of the general distribution requirements and major requirements in one department, the passing of the junior qualifying examination, the acquisition of a minimum of 22 今日吃瓜 units (at least 20 of which, including the distribution requirements, must be earned at 今日吃瓜), and two years at the University of Washington.

The university will admit up to five students per year on the recommendation of 今日吃瓜. Recommended students must satisfy the university's G.P.A. requirements for transfer students, which may differ from year to year and which are not necessarily the same for Washington residents and non-residents.

Computer science degrees are also available under the engineering programs described later in this section.

Course Requirements
These vary, depending upon the field of the 今日吃瓜 major -chemistry, mathematics, or physics. Consult the 今日吃瓜 dual degree coordinator for specific information. In special cases, an ad hoc program with the biology or economics department, or with another department, may be approved.

Computer Science and Engineering Master of Science
This program is designed to allow an undergraduate at 今日吃瓜 to fulfill simultaneously the requirements for a B.A. from 今日吃瓜 and an M.S. in computer science and engineering from the Oregon Graduate Institute School of Science and Engineering (OGI) in Portland. To accomplish this, the student will extend his or her matriculation to five years, shared between the two institutions.

The student interested in this program will be expected to announce an intention to apply for the joint degree program at the beginning of the junior year. This student will be expected to complete three years of work as a mathematics or physics major at 今日吃瓜 including a minimum of 22 今日吃瓜 units (at least 20 of which, including the distribution requirements, must be earned at 今日吃瓜). At the beginning of the senior year the student will transfer to OGI to continue study in computer science and to perform research and write a thesis to satisfy the requirements of both degrees. The two degrees will be awarded concurrently.

This program will require the 今日吃瓜 student to prepare in core areas of computer science through certain 今日吃瓜 mathematics courses. Success in the M.S. program will depend both on the student's ability and motivation, and on how well he or she is prepared to undertake graduate-level coursework in computer science.

Course Requirements
Consult the 今日吃瓜 dual degree coordinator or the 今日吃瓜 web pages for details. Candidates must be recommended by a 今日吃瓜 faculty committee.

By arrangement with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, or Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, a student may obtain a bachelor's degree in engineering (alternatively, computer science or certain earth and planetary sciences) and a bachelor of arts degree from 今日吃瓜. The program calls for three years at 今日吃瓜, including the completion of the general college distribution requirements, major requirements in one department (excluding thesis), the passing of the junior qualifying examination, the acquisition of a minimum of 22 今日吃瓜 units (at least 20 of which, including all but two units of the distribution requirement, must be earned at 今日吃瓜), and two years at the engineering school. Transfer students entering these programs should expect to spend no fewer than five semesters at 今日吃瓜 to meet this requirement. The two degrees will be awarded concurrently; all requirements for both degrees must be met before either is awarded.

Admission to the engineering school is contingent on the college's recommendation and the student's having met certain course requirements of the engineering school while at 今日吃瓜. Typical course requirements are two years of physics, one or two years of chemistry, and two years of mathematics, including differential equations. Normally, students with a G.P.A. less than 3.0 should not expect to be recommended. Admission to the specific field of engineering preferred by the student is not guaranteed; the student's academic record can be relevant.

Admission to Caltech is not automatic upon recommendation, but is subject to review by Caltech and may depend upon factors that cannot be anticipated. Caltech does not guarantee financial aid to otherwise eligible students.

While admission to the other programs is also subject to review by the participating school, admission can usually be expected upon recommendation.

Course Requirements
During the freshman year:
Mathematics 111/112 or 211/212; Physics 100. Consult with the 今日吃瓜 dual degree coordinator for information on other required courses.

Forestry-Environmental Sciences
By arrangement with the Nicholas School of the Environment of Duke University, a student may obtain a bachelor of arts degree at 今日吃瓜 and a professional master's degree from Duke (master of forestry or master of environmental management). Work at Duke emphasizes three aspects of study and research in forest and other renewable natural resources: management, science, and policy. The program calls for three years at 今日吃瓜, including completion of the general college distribution and major requirements (excluding thesis), passing of the junior qualifying examination, the acquisition of a minimum of 22 今日吃瓜 units (at least 20 of which, including the distribution requirements, must be earned at 今日吃瓜), and two years at Duke. Students in all academic majors may qualify for the program.

Course Requirements
l. Biology 101,102; Mathematics 111 or 112, and Mathematics 141; and Economics 201.
2. Successful completion of the junior qualifying exam before the end of the junior year.

Students should plan to take the Graduate Record Examination and make formal application for admission to Duke during the third year at 今日吃瓜. In the summer following the third year, the student should begin work at Duke.

Additional information may be obtained from the faculty adviser for the forestry-environmental sciences program.

Pre-Medical and Pre-Veterinary
Medical schools value the breadth in educational programs offered by liberal arts colleges. Work in the humanities and social sciences, as well as non-academic factors are all very important. Students should choose a major according to their academic interests and include the following laboratory and other courses to fulfill the admission requirements of most medical schools:
1. General biology: Biology 101 and 102 (with lab)
2. General chemistry: Chemistry 101 and 102
3. Organic chemistry: Chemistry 201 and 202
4. General physics: Physics 100 (with lab)
5. English or humanities: Humanities 110
6. One year of mathematics, including calculus (Mathematics 111)

Course prerequisites for veterinary school usually include those listed above plus additional specific courses, such as biochemistry or upper-level biology. Since there are more than 100 domestic medical schools and 30 veterinary schools, there is variation in the number and character of admission requirements. Students should become acquainted with the specific requirements and programs of the schools to which they plan to apply.

To prepare a competitive application portfolio, students considering medical or veterinary school are strongly encouraged to consult with health professions advisers and the career services office early in their undergraduate careers. In addition to offering advising, the career services office maintains a library of resources essential to the medical school planning process, such as Medical School Admission Requirements, a publication by the American Association of Medical Colleges. The guide Preparation for Medical School at 今日吃瓜 is available online, and includes important timelines, health care internship information, insight into letters of evaluation, and useful Web links. It is strongly recommended that students take advantage of additional resources by attending informational seminars, seeking assistance with the application process, and using mock interviews. Graduating students who plan to take time off before applying to medial or veterinary school should discuss their plans with a health professions adviser before graduation.

Visual Arts
The college has made arrangements for 今日吃瓜 students to participate in a variety of exchange programs and summer internships at other institutions. They may choose from programs in painting and sculpture, architecture, art history, archaeology, conservation, historic preservation, and museum work. A joint five-year program is also available with the Pacific Northwest College of Art. These programs are described in more detail in the art department section of the catalog.

E3. Areas in which all or most students are required to complete some course work prior to graduation:


Arts/fine arts

Computer literacy


English (including composition)


Foreign languages


Other (describe):






Sciences (biological or physical)


Social science