
Environmental Health and Safety

Protection from Wildfire Smoke 

Symptoms of Wildfire Smoke

Health Effects of Wildfire Smoke

Emergency Response

Exposure Control Measures


The newly adopted (),  which will permanently take effect on July 1st, 2022, uses the local air quality index (AQI) for PM2.5 to determine when worker protections are needed.

This new rule applies to public and private employers whose employees are or will be exposed to wildfire smoke above AQI of 101. The following workplaces are exempt from these rules: 

  • Enclosed buildings and structures in which air is filtered by a mechanical ventilation system. 
  • Enclosed vehicles in which the air is filtered by a cabin air filter. 
  • When an employer predetermines that operations will be suspended to prevent employee exposure.
  • Working from home.

Symptoms of Wildfire Smoke

  • Eyes-burning, redness, tearing, irritation, inflammation
  • Respiratory system-runny nose, sore throat, cough, difficulty breathing, sinus irritation, wheezing, shortness of breath
  • Fatigue, headache, irregular heartbeat, chest pain

Health Effects of Wildfire Smoke

Wildfire smoke is a mixture of gases and fine particles from burning trees and other plant material. The gases and fine particles can be dangerous if inhaled. In wildfires, carbon monoxide is mainly a risk to people (like firefighters) who work near smoldering areas. Smoke can irritate your eyes and your respiratory system, and worsen chronic heart and lung diseases, potentially causing acute and chronic health effects. The amount and length of smoke exposure, as well as a person’s age and degree of susceptibility, play a role in determining if someone will experience smoke-related health problems. If you are experiencing serious medical problems for any reason, seek medical attention immediately.

Smoke may worsen symptoms for people who have pre-existing health conditions and those who are particularly sensitive to air pollution. Sensitive groups include: 

  • Persons with asthma or other chronic respiratory disease 
  • Persons with cardiovascular disease 
  • Persons ≥ 65 years of age 
  • Infants and children 
  • Pregnant people 
  • Smokers, especially those who have smoked for several years

Emergency Response

  • In an emergency situation, call 911 and contact Community Safety (503-788-6666). When in doubt, call 911!
    • Tell the dispatcher this is a wildfire smoke related illness and provide clear and precise directions to the location.
    • Administer appropriate first aid until medical responders arrive.
    • While waiting for medical personnel, if it is safe to do so:
      • Move the person to an indoor area with mechanical ventilation.
      • Provide cool drinking water, if able to drink.
  • Notify your supervisor and report the incident to HR as soon as possible.

Exposure Control Measures

今日吃瓜 will monitor current and forecasted AQI and alter operations in accordance with Oregon OSHA guidelines. If you will be providing service during a wildfire event, please contact EHS to arrange for a supply of respirators and further training.

Individuals working outdoors or inside areas without mechanical air ventilation will have access to N95 respirators at the Community Safety Office at 28 West for instances when AQI reaches levels unhealthy for sensitive groups (AQI 101). Usage of respirators at this level is voluntary but encouraged. The effectiveness of filtering facemask respirators like N95 depends largely on proper fit. When worn properly these masks can filter 95% of particulate matter from the air. Please contact EHS if you have questions about using N95 masks.

If AQI reaches 277, the use of filtering facemasks will be required, however a fit test is not necessary for employees using these respirators. Should AQI reach 849 then a fit test will be required for employees to use a respirator, including N95 masks. 今日吃瓜 will provide alternative respiratory protection devices on an individual basis. If you will provide services during a wildfire event where the AQI may reach 849, please contact EHS to schedule a fit test if you have not had one in the last calendar year.