ࡱ> 8:7 0gbjbj99 >[{_[{_Y <<8Tx111$111114mmm1Xm1mmmP>(m$0Tm ^ mm" 0m111^111T1111 111111111< G: Faculty Evaluation Please return this form to Lin ճԹijk (reedijkl@reed.edu) in Eliot 317 by October 5, 2020 PLEASE USE A SEPARATE FORM (OR SHEETS OF PAPER) FOR EACH EVALUATION. Fall 2021 Evaluation of: ______________________________________________ Comments:  Due to Oregon legislation, the College is required to maintain the file of evaluation letters intact. A faculty member may, upon request and at certain prescribed stages of the academic personnel review process, be provided access to such evaluation letters in redacted form. Redaction is defined as the removal of identifying information (including name, title, institutional affiliation, and relationship to the candidate) contained either at the top of the letterhead or within and below the signature block of the letter of evaluation. The full text of the body of your letter will therefore be provided to the candidate if so requested. Thus, if you provide any information that tends to identify you in the body of the letter, that information may become available to the candidate. If you wish, you may provide a brief factual statement regarding your relationship to the candidate at the end of your letter but below the signature block. This brief statement will be subject to redaction and will not be made available to the candidate. Although we cannot guarantee that at some future time a court or governmental agency will not require the disclosure of the source of confidential evaluations in the Colleges personnel files, we can assure you that the College will endeavor to protect the identity of the authors of letters of evaluation to the fullest extent allowable under law. _________________________________________________ Evaluators Name _________________________________________________ Evaluators Signature     /2:N[_ghlnv    ) + , - H ſŹŹšŒŹ|vb'h}h}CJOJPJQJ\^JaJ hyoCJjh1gjCJUmHnHu h"OCJhd8hd8CJ hL`CJ hd8CJ h9CJ hMz(CJ hECJ htYCJ hc CJ hRyCJ hRy5 hMz(5 h95 h 5 h:'5 h;4&5 h5 h5hc h5CJaJ!ouv                  ! $a$gdd8$a$! 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