
Community Safety

Division of Student Life

Community Safety Blotter & Activity 

(To view other weekly Blotters and CS activity go here.) 

November 29 - December 5, 2021

Weekly Activity:

Alarm checks: 5
Animal issue responses: 1
AOD interactions: 1
Building patrols: 227
Community assistance responses: 5
Escorts: 4
Fire responses: 0
Foot patrols: 392
Held door checks: 8
Maintenance issue responses: 2
Medical assistance responses: 4
Noise complaint responses: 2
Suspicious circumstance responses: 14
Theft reports taken: 0
Unlocks: 77
Vehicle patrols: 300
Vehicle assistance responses: 5
Welfare check responses: 1


Weekly Reports:


Case #: 210518
Date: 2021 11 29
Time: 1305
Description: Exclusion
Location: Campus

Notes: A non-今日吃瓜 community member was approached by CSOs for having their dog off-leash on the front lawn, and staring at people through binoculars. After the initial check-in with the individual wherein they were educated about off-leash areas on campus, they were later seen throughout the day moving their truck around the perimeter of campus, letting their dog run around off-leash for short periods of time, relocating and repeating the behavior. A second CSO made contact with the individual, and explained that because this behavior was inconsistent with 今日吃瓜’s animal policy they were being excluded from campus, and asked not to come back. The individual said they understood, and would not come back.


Case #: 210519
Date: 2021 11 29
Time: 0805
Description: Damage to Property
Location: North Lot

Notes: A CSO responded to a possible vehicle break-in in the North Lot. Upon arrival, the CSO observed that the rear window was smashed out on a black SUV. There were shards of glass visible on the surrounding ground and inside the vehicle. The CSO was unable to determine the owner of the vehicle so they cleared the scene. Later that afternoon, Dispatch was contacted by the owner of the vehicle so the same CSO who initially responded to the report met with the vehicle owner. The vehicle owner stated that to their knowledge, the only item missing from the vehicle was a black box containing medical supplies. The CSO made note and relayed that the full report would be made available to the vehicle owner should it be needed for insurance purposes. 


Case #: 210520
Date: 2021 12 01
Time: 1255
Description: Animal Issue
Location: Dorothy Johansen House (DOJO)

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of a 今日吃瓜 community member being menaced by a dog near the DOJO. Upon arrival the CSO observed a small white and tan dog in the off-leash area near the DOJO. As the CSO approached the area that dog was in, the dog began barking at the CSO and charged the CSO. The reporting party arrived and stated that the same small dog had been menacing them not only the day of the report, but in the previous week also. As the CSO was taking photos of the dog for the report, the dog’s owner walked out from behind the DOJO to inquire as to the problem. The CSO stated that Dispatch had received multiple reports concerning the dog. The dog owner indicated that they believed that as the dog was in the off-leash dog area, there was no issue. The CSO explained that while dogs were allowed off-leash in the off-leash area, the dog needed to be under the owner’s control and thus safe and friendly toward other dogs and people. The dog’s owner stated that people uncomfortable around dogs should not walk near the off-leash area, and the CSO reminded the dog owner that this off-leash area is bordered by the Studio Art and DOJO buildings that needed to be accessible to the 今日吃瓜 community. The CSO cleared the area once the dog owner had taken hold of the dog’s harness. The report also notes that this is the same dog mentioned in a previous Community Safety report, and other calls received wherein by the time the CSO had arrived, the dog and owner had left.    


Case #: 210521
Date: 2021 12 03
Time: 0007
Description: Suspicious Person/Activity/Circumstances
Location: North Lot

Notes: A CSO on patrol in the North Lot observed that a vehicle had been jacked up with a jack underneath the front passenger side. After inspecting the vehicle, it did not appear that the vehicle had sustained any tire damage. The CSO confirmed that the catalytic converter was still attached to the vehicle. The CSO left the vehicle in that state and Dispatch attempted to contact the vehicle owner for further information. 


Case #: 210522
Date: 2021 12 03
Time: 0846
Description: Suspicious Person/Activity/Circumstances
Location: North Lot

Notes: CSOs were dispatched to check on a possible catalytic converter theft from a vehicle in the Lower North Lot. The CSOs arrived to find a vehicle jacked up with no one in sight. The CSOs confirmed that the vehicle’s catalytic converter was still attached and used the CS vehicle jack handle to lower and remove the jack. As the CSOs were clearing the area, one of them observed a red Subaru Outback with a missing left rear window leaving the Lower Lot and the driver of the Outback appeared to be watching the CSOs.


Case #: 210523
Date: 2021 12 03
Time: 1801
Description: Information Only
Location: GCC

Notes: CSOs were dispatched to check on a fire alarm in the GCC. The fire alarm panel indicated that a pull station on the lower level of the GCC had been activated. The CSOs performed a thorough inspection of the building but found no signs of active or potential fires.


Case #: 210524
Date: 2021 12 04
Time: 0019
Description: Medical Transport-Alcohol/Cannabis Use or Possession/Medical Amnesty
Location: Campus

Notes: CSOs were dispatched to check on a student reportedly vomiting. The CSOs arrived to find the student accompanied by two fellow students. The student was actively vomiting and relayed to the CSOs that they had consumed multiple types of alcohol and some cannabis. The CSOs recommended the student be evaluated by the paramedic stationed in Eliot, but the student stated that they did not want to move and that they just needed some time. As the CSOs continued to monitor the student, the student became less responsive and the CSOs determined that the student needed to be examined by the paramedic. The CSOs assisted the student to the paramedic station. The paramedic determined that the student required more medical assistance than they were able to provide and requested American Medical Response (AMR) be dispatched. AMR arrived and transported the student to a nearby medical facility for further care. The two students who had been accompanying the student also stated that they would head to the medical facility to continue to support their friend.


Case #: 210525
Date: 2021 12 04
Time: 0308
Description: Medical Assist - Alcohol
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: CSOs were dispatched to check on a student reportedly vomiting. Upon arrival, the CSOs met with the student and the reporting party. The student stated that they had consumed multiple alcoholic beverages and the reporting party was concerned that the student was suffering from alcohol poisoning. After consulting the yellow card “Signs of alcohol or other drug overdose emergencies” the CSOs determined that no intervention was necessary at that time and requested the students call CS again should the student’s condition worsen, then cleared from the call. Approximately 20 minutes later, the CSOs were dispatched back to check on the student after their condition deteriorated. The CSOs contacted American Medical Response (AMR), to perform a more thorough medical evaluation. The student declined medical transport to a medical facility and the paramedics determined that the student would be okay with sleep and time. All units then cleared from the scene.


Case #: 210526
Date: 2021 12 05
Time: 2229
Description: Damage to Property
Location: 28 West

Notes: CSOs on vehicle patrol noticed that the driver side door of the CS Subaru had sustained damage to the door hinge. A work order was submitted for repairs.


Case #: 210527
Date: 2021 12 05
Time: 1149
Description: Welfare Check
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: CSOs were dispatched to perform a welfare check based on a report from a concerned party. The CSOs were unable to make contact with the student and follow up is being handled by Residence Life.