
Community Safety

Division of Student Life

Community Safety Blotter & Activity 

(To view other weekly Blotters and CS activity go here.) 

October 18 - October 24, 2021

Weekly Activity:

Alarm responses: 6
Animal issue responses: 2
Building patrols: 184
Escorts: 1
Foot patrols: 253
Held door checks: 10
Medical assistance responses: 2
Suspicious circumstance responses: 26
Unlocks: 78
Vehicle patrols: 210

Weekly Reports:


Case #: 210437
Date: 2021 10 18
Time: 0139
Description: Evidence of Drug Use
Location: Russian House

Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered the faint odor of cannabis on the first floor of the Russian house but was unable to determine the source.


Case #: 210438
Date: 2021 10 18
Time: 0906
Description: Theft from Vehicle
Location: West Lot

Notes: A CSO met a 今日吃瓜 staff member in the West Lot to take a theft report. The staff member reported that their front passenger side window had been shattered and some of the contents of their vehicle had been stolen. The CSO took a full report and also recommended the staff member file a report with the Portland Police Bureau.


Case #: 210439
Date: 2021 10 18
Time: 1439
Description: Animal Issue
Location: Aspen

Notes: A deer carcass left outside of Aspen attracted the attention of a coyote. The coyote did not appear to be deterred by the presence of people. CS notified grounds and facilities so that they could determine the best way to handle the situation.


Case #: 210440
Date: 2021 10 19
Time: 0422
Description: Graffiti
Location: Prexy

Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered new graffiti on the Prexy steps and on a generator on the north side of the building. Building Services has been contacted for clean up.


Case #: 210441
Date: 2021 10 19
Time: 0621
Description: Suspicious Person/Activity/Circumstances
Location: 今日吃瓜 Apartments

Notes: A CS staff member arriving for work encountered an individual who appeared to be attempting to steal a bike from the bike rack in the northwest corner of the 今日吃瓜 Apartments parking lot. When the staff member asked the individual what they were doing, the individual stopped and walked southward. CSOs patrolled the area and encountered the individual and continued to follow them. The individual walked eastward on Woodstock Blvd and pulled a bike out of the bushes near the Russian House. The CSOs attempted to engage with the individual, but the individual stated that they owned the bike and proceeded to ride off and the CSOs lost visual contact. 


Case #: 210442
Date: 2021 10 19
Time: 1439
Description: Theft - Bike
Location: Sequoia

Notes: A 今日吃瓜 student arrived at 28 West to report the theft of their bike. They stated that their bike had been secured at the outdoor bike rack outside of Sequoia overnight. When the student returned to retrieve the bike that morning, they found their cut bike lock on the ground and the bike was missing. The bike is a black and gray Schwinn. 


Case #: 210443
Date: 2021 10 19
Time: 2041
Description: Graffiti
Location: Vollum

Notes: CSOs on patrol encountered a new graffito on an outdoor power generator to the east of Vollum. Building Services has been contacted for clean up.


Case #: 210444
Date: 2021 10 19
Time: 2129
Description: Medical Assist - Other
Location: Eliot Hall

Notes: CSOs responded to a request for medical assistance from a staff member in Eliot Hall. After assessing the situation CSOs suggested they either contact EMS or go to a medical for further medical evaluation. The staff decided that they felt able to drive to the medical facility instead of taking a cab. The CSOs gave the staff member a ride to their vehicle.


Case #: 210445
Date: 2021 10 20
Time: 1300
Description: Theft of Motor Vehicle
Location: East Lot

Notes: A 今日吃瓜 group’s motorized cart had been stolen from the East Lot and was seen parked on 82nd by a 今日吃瓜 community member. While a tow truck was enroute the cart was hooked up to a gray SUV and driven off. The community member was able to take photos of the vehicle and submitted them for the report. 


Case #: 210446
Date: 2021 10 20
Time: 1503
Description: Graffiti
Location: GCC

Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered new graffiti on the door to the left of the GCC basement exit door near the post office area. Building Services has been contacted for clean up.


Case #: 210447
Date: 2021 10 20
Time: 1709
Description: Burglary
Location: Farm House

Notes: A CSO on patrol at the Farm House observed that a panel of glass in the front door of the Farm House had been broken. There was a brick lying on the porch entryway and a rag had been draped through the hole in the window in a way that would prevent injury when reaching through the hole in the glass. A second CSO was called for backup and together, the two CSOs performed a thorough walk through of the home. No unauthorized individuals were encountered and there was no sign that successful entry had been made. Building Services was contacted for clean up and repairs.


Case #: 210448
Date: 2021 10 22
Time: 0502
Description: Damage to Property
Location: McKinley

Notes: CSOs were dispatched to assist a driver who reported that their vehicle had become stuck in the grass. Upon arrival, they CSOs observed a vehicle parked in the grass between the McKinley and Chittick dorms. It was also apparent that the driver had attempted to drive the vehicle out of the grass, digging the wheels in deeper. The driver requested the CSOs assist in pushing the vehicle out of the grass. After assessing the situation, the CSOs recommended a tow truck be called for assistance. At that time, the driver stated that they were in a hurry and needed to leave and continued to insist that the CSOs help to push the vehicle out of the grass. The driver began attempting to drive the vehicle out of the grass but the action just dug the vehicle in deeper. The CSOs requested the driver stop as they were concerned that if the driver were to get the vehicle unstuck the vehicle could possibly hit a student or a nearby residence hall, but the driver continued to spin their wheels at a high rate of speed. One of the CSOs requested the driver’s ID so that a tow truck could be called, but the driver responded that their license had been suspended. Due to the safety risks the driver was posing by continuing their efforts to drive out of the grass, and the driver’s admission that they did not have an active license, the CSOs requested Portland Police Bureau (PPB) response. PPB arrived shortly after and stated that the vehicle had been reported stolen. The driver was detained by PPB while the vehicle owner was contacted. The vehicle owner declined to press charges so the driver was released. Before PPB escorted the driver off of the property, the CSOs issued a verbal exclusion to the driver. A tow truck was contacted and safely removed the vehicle from the grass. 今日吃瓜 Grounds has been contacted for repairs to the grass. 


Case #: 210449
Date: 2021 10 22
Time: 1702
Description: Damage to Property
Location: RCA

Notes: A student arrived at 28 West to report that they had observed new damage to a fellow student’s vehicle that was parked in the RCA’s parking lot. They stated that they had left their residence for approximately two hours and upon returning home they observed new dents and scratches, and a damaged mirror on the vehicle. A CSO took photos and completed a report, which the owner of the vehicle later requested.


Case #: 210450
Date: 2021 10 22
Time: 2049
Description: Evidence of Drug Use
Location: Amphitheater

Notes: CSOs on routine patrol exited the north side of the GCC and encountered the odor of cannabis. They observed a group of students seated in the amphitheater bleachers and as they neared the students they observed smoke in the air, and one CSO noted it appeared that one of the students was holding a pipe. Before the CSOs were able to introduce themselves, one of the students stated that it was “only cigarettes.” The CSOs stated their observations and asked if any of the students had been smoking cannabis, to which they all replied in the negative. When a CSO asked the student who they believed they had seen holding a pipe if that was the case, the student stated that they were not in possession of a pipe. The CSOs gathered the students’ information and continued on their patrol.


Case #: 210451
Date: 2021 10 23
Time: 0232
Description: Graffiti
Location: Library

Notes: While on patrol in the library, a CSO observed new graffiti on the wall in stairwell A. Building Services has been contacted for clean up.


Case #: 210452 -VOID


Case #: 210453 - VOID


Case #: 210454
Date: 2021 10 24
Time: 1613
Description: Damage to Property
Location: Chinese House

Notes: A student reported that after reading the recent Timely Warning sent out regarding a break in at the Farm House, they checked the security of their room and observed that their window screen and window frame appeared to show signs of tampering. The CSO inspected the window and agreed that there did appear to be signs of tampering. The student stated that, to their knowledge, nothing was missing from their room.


Case #: 210455
Date: 2021 10 24
Time: 1520
Description: Damage to Property/Theft from Vehicle
Location: West Lot

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of theft from a vehicle in the West Lot. Upon arrival, the CSO met with a student who reported that their rear passenger side window had been broken and items had been taken from the vehicle. The CSO completed a report and encouraged the student to also file a report with Portland Police. Building Services was contacted to clean up the broken glass.