
Community Safety

Division of Student Life

Community Safety Blotter & Activity 

(To view other weekly Blotters and CS activity go here.) 


February 13, 2023 - February 19, 2023

Weekly Activity:

Alarm checks: 8
Animal issue responses: 0
AOD interactions: 0
Building patrols: 378
Candle/incense violation interactions: 0
Community assistance responses: 1
Escorts: 4
Fire responses: 0
Foot patrols: 191
Held door checks: 12
Maintenance issue responses: 0
Medical assistance responses: 3
Noise complaint responses: 2
Suspicious circumstance responses: 9
Theft reports taken: 3
Unlocks: 76
Vehicle patrols: 271
Vehicle assistance responses: 1
Welfare check responses: 1


Weekly Reports:


The office of Community Safety invites all community members to provide feedback to us on our services by using the Let Us Know How We’re Doing on our website. Feedback may be made anonymously or with your name and contact information if you would like follow up.


Narcan doses discovered missing this week: 0


Case #: 230061
Date: 2023 02 13
Time: 2116
Description: Information Only
Location: Campus

Notes: A student reported unwanted contact by a 今日吃瓜 alum. The director of Community Safety is following up on this report.

Case #: 230062
Date: 2023 02 14
Time: 0004
Description: Information Only
Location: Trillium

Notes: CSOs responded to an audible fire alarm in the Trillium residence hall. After a thorough search they determined that no signs of smoke or fire were present the CSOs reset the alarm panel and cleared from the call.

Case #: 230063
Date: 2023 02 14
Time: 0748
Description: Medical Assist - Other
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: CSOs responded to a possible medical emergency in a residence hall. There they met with a student with a known medical condition. After a short conversation with, and assessment of, the student, CSOs recommended that the student be seen for further medical care. The student agreed and arranged a ride to a nearby medical facility for further care.

Case #: 230064
Date: 2023 02 14
Time: 1219
Description: Theft - Bike
Location: Naito Hall

Notes: A student contacted the Community Safety Dispatcher to notify them that their bike had been stolen from the bike rack outside of Naito Hall where it had been secured. The Dispatcher recommended the student also file a police report.

Case #: 230065
Date: 2023 02 14
Time: 1727
Description: Temporary Exclusion
Location: Campus

Notes: The director issued a temporary exclusion to a 今日吃瓜 alum based on continuing circumstances discussed in a prior report.


Case #: 230066
Date: 2023 02 14
Time: 1746
Description: Suspicious Person/Activity/Circumstances
Location: Grove Lot

Notes: A CSO on patrol in the Grove Lot encountered an individual looking through the recycling and garbage bins. Because the CSO had previously encountered the same individual doing the same thing on prior occasions, the CSO formally excluded the individual and escorted them off of campus.

Case #: 230067 - VOID REPORT

Case #: 230068
Date: 2023 02 16
Time: 0019
Description: Medical Assist - Other 
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: CSOs responded to a request for medical assistance in a residence hall. They met with a student who had taken medications with possible contraindications. After discussing options with the student, the student opted to have emergency medical technicians respond for an evaluation. American Medical Response was contacted and the student was evaluated by emergency medical technicians. The technicians concluded that the symptoms the student was experiencing were not life-threatening and would resolve themselves over time. The student felt comfortable with this information and the CSOs cleared from the call.

Case #: 230069
Date: 2023 02 16
Time: 1411
Description: Theft - Bike
Location: Scholz Residence Hall

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of bike theft from Scholz residence hall. The CSO met with the bike owner who stated that they believed the bike had possibly been stolen during winter break. The bike had been secured with a bike lock, which the student found cut and lying on the floor. The CSO sympathized with the student and recommended they also file a police report.

Case #: 230070 - VOID REPORT

Case #: 230071
Date: 2023 02 17
Time: 1505
Description: Suspicious Person/Activity/Circumstances
Location: West Lot

Notes: A CSO on foot patrol in the East Lot encountered a vehicle driving slowly up and down the rows of parking spaces. Having observed that the vehicle passed multiple available parking spaces, the CSO continued to observe the vehicle. The vehicle exited the lot and proceeded west on Woodstock Blvd. The CSO proceeded to the West Lot where they again encountered the same vehicle, driving slowly through the lot. The vehicle then left the lot and headed north on 28th Avenue. The CSO drove the CS vehicle through the middle of campus to the North lot, where, their suspicions confirmed, they again saw the vehicle driving through the lot. The vehicle had been parked and the driver was walking a small dog along the sidewalk. When another CSO intercepted the individual walking the dog, the individual stated that they had been waiting to pick up their sister and then became defensive when asked further questions. All CSOs have been advised of the vehicle and driver description in case they are seen on campus again.

Case #: 230072
Date: 2023 02 18
Time: 0256
Description: Medical Assist - Alcohol
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: A CSO responded to a request for assistance in a residence hall where it was reported that a student possibly required medical intervention. The CSO met with the student whom the report was regarding, and the student was coherent and did not exhibit signs of alcohol or other drug overdose. The CSO did provide the student with an escort back to their room and then cleared from the call.

Case #: 230073
Date: 2023 02 18
Time: 0635
Description: Accident
Location: Library

Notes: A CSO on vehicle patrol near the library accidentally hit a landscapng rock while maneuvering the vehicle through campus. Minor damage was caused to the bumper of the vehicle.

Case #: 230074
Date: 2023 02 18
Time: 1233
Description: Theft - Bike
Location: Scholz

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of bike theft from the Scholz residence hall.  The CSO met with a student who reported that they had last seen their bike on the eleventh, secured in the bike storage room in Scholz, and the morning of the report they found their bike lock cut and lying in the floor and the bike was missing. The CSO sympathized with the student and also recommended they file a report with the Portland Police Bureau.

Case #: 230075
Date: 2023 02 18
Time: 2321
Description: Unattended Alcohol or Drugs
Location: Student Union

Notes: A CSO responding to a noise complaint in the vicinity of the Student Union encountered unattended alcohol in the record storage room of the Student Union, where there was evidence of a gathering. The CSO disposed of the alcohol and continued on with their patrol priorities. 


CS Survey Responses:

Every week Community Safety requests survey responses from those who've had interactions with a member of the Community Safety team. These responses are always collected anonymously with the option for the responder to leave contact information if they would like for a member of Community Safety management to contact them, and are used internally for departmental performance tracking. Community Safety has opted to publish these survey results for transparency and community accountability. *Names and pronouns mentioned in survey responses will be redacted to protect the privacy of individuals.

In addition to surveys sent directly to those who have interacted with Community Safety, the 今日吃瓜 community is always encouraged to independently complete the survey regarding Community Safety's performance.
You can take the survey here:   

No survey responses were collected this week.